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Form Groups
Form Group Introduction Form groups are bundles of forms that are commonly provided together. An example of this would be a prenatal form group. You would include a blood type requisition, ultrasound, communicable diseases, lab requisition and any ...
4.4.64 - Healthquest version - Dec.18th, 2024
Problems - A 'Save + Add' button has been added to the Problem Lookup window, allowing the ability to add multiple problems at once. Emails can be sent directly to a third party by double-clicking the email field in the Edit Third Parties window. ...
Patient Summary Window Additional Features
Patient Summary Report Within the Patient Summary window, you can access the Patient Summary Report. This report will provide you with statistics regarding submissions that have occurred within a certain date range. It can generate information for ...
4.4.52 - Healthquest version - Sep13th, 2024
*New* Healthquest Login - Enjoy a modern update to the Healthquest login and about windows with our new logo! *New* IM - Group chats have been added to Instant Messaging. Form Fields - Added new form fields for patient him/her and his/hers pronouns. ...
Patient Confidentiality
Patient Confidentiality If a patient chooses not to disclose their health information there are a few different ways that you can block the data from being uploaded. If the patient chooses to not have any information uploaded to Netcare, click on the ...
Popular Articles
Client dashboard
The client dashboard, if activated, will not only show the patient’s name and chart number, but the expanded notes indicators, shown in the highlighted box below. Expanded notes Expanded notes are color codes that can be used for many different ...
Alberta Health claim reconciliations
There may be times when claims do not get approved, and additional work will be required before they are accepted by Alberta Health. Typically, a new reconciliation file will be available for the clinic to download every Monday. Downloading this ...
Appointment detail window
Appointment detail window Right click on an existing appointment to open the appointment detail window or drag and drop a client from the shuttle bay to the schedule, the detail window will open. Click here to learn how to book an appointment. Click ...
ASaP template use
The ASaP template should be applied to all patients charts for support in tracking screening maneuvers. Here are some of the benefits to using ASaP to its fullest: Keep all healthcare team members providing the same information. Allows for easy ...
Alberta Screening and Prevention (ASaP) introduction
Alberta Screening and Prevention (ASaP) began after it was determined that certain maneuvers allow primary care providers to have the biggest impact. The screening maneuver selection was completed by an ASaP working group that included primary care ...