4.3.75 - Healthquest version - June 3rd, 2022

4.3.75 - Healthquest version - June 3rd, 2022

  1. *New* Chart Templates - Option to prevent chart notes from auto-locking on a template basis. Configure in Setup > Charting Setup > Template Design. Select a template and deselect 'Auto-Lock' on the template wizard window.
  2. *New* Appointment Scheduler - Reset schedule to defaults - under the Appt menu, Reset Defaults has been added. The appointment schedule screens will be reset to the default layout.
  3. Patient Messaging - Conversation history now includes user/job class assignments inline with messages.
  4. HQCloud - Domain passwords for the Healthquest Cloud can now be changed from within Healthquest via Setup > Change HQCloud Password.
  5. Connect Care Billing - Additional fields for service start and end times are now shown when entered on charges.
  6. Appointment Reminders - Adding contact information to a patient under the default reminder method now instantly creates a new reminder contact method for that patient.
  7. Worklists - The client worklists window now includes the priority colours in the list of worklists.
  8. Form Groups - If the default practitioner is blank on a user's employee card, form groups are assigned to the doctor set up on the form group. If no doctor is set up on the form group, a 'Choose Practitioner' pop up will be seen.
  9. Fixed a bug that prevented emails from being sent to a single recipient in some situations.
  10. Fixed an issue that prevented instant messaging from popping up immediately in some situations.
  11. Fixed a bug where typing a space into the drug name for a medication would create lots of medications from favorites in some situations.
  12. Various PrescribeIT bug fixes to optimize message delivery and enhance debugging tools.

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