Adding a signature to PDF scans

Adding a signature to PDF scans

When reviewing scanned documents, you can digitally sign them if they are in PDF format. Before adding a digital signature, you will need to save the signature file to your computer and follow these steps to create it.

Create a bmp image file of your signature.

1. Sign a piece of white paper. Take a picture of it and save the picture to your computer.
2. Open the image. Crop as close to the signature as possible by using your Snipping Tool or photo editing software.
3. Save the cropped image in a BMP format to your computer in your preferred location.

From your Healthquest:
1. Open the PDF scan that you would like to add your signature to.
2. Right click on the document and select Image Tool.

3. Click and drag on the document where you would like the image to be placed, it can be moved or resized once added.

4. The Add Image window will open. Click on "browse" to locate your signature file.

How to access the file location will vary depending on if you have a local (server based) or cloud version of Healthquest. Follow the steps below to find your image. If you have further issues locating the file, please contact support.
To locate your signature - cloud based:
      This PC -> C -> Users -> Select your name -> Select file location -> Select the file, select open.

To locate your signature - local/server based:
     Use the browse files window to locate the file location. Select the file, select open.

5. The signature will then open in the Add Image window. You can click the rotate button to change the angle if required. Click "ok".

6. The signature image should now be visible on the scanned document. To adjust its position or size, click and drag the image accordingly. Once satisfied with the signature's placement and size, click "save".

Note: If you need to edit the signature after you have placed it, simply click on the image and you will be able to move, delete or resize.

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