Alberta Health claims macros

Alberta Health claims macros

Alberta Health claims macros can eliminate the need to enter the same information repeatedly, resulting in a more streamlined process for creating claims.


Using AH claim macros

Once the macros have been created, they are very straight forward to use.

  1. Open the AHC claim entry. Click here to see how to open the window.
  2. Select the practitioner and patient if they haven’t populated from the chart or appointment window.
  3. Enter the service date.
  4. In the service code, select macro code from the dropdown, or type in the claim macro code and hit enter. All the fields filled in from the macro will now appear in this current claim entry.

Creating AH claim macros

  1. Admin menu > select ‘AHC claim macros’.

  1. Click new, select the practitioner from the dropdown. To make it site wide, leave this dropdown blank.
  2. Enter the macro code.
  3. Fill in all the billing information, including the service code, diagnostic code, and any modifiers.
  4. Enter the facility code and functional center.
  5. Click save.

To copy this macro to another practitioner, click on the clipboard icon and select the new practitioner from the window.

To delete the macro, click on the trash can icon.


Using multi-line AH claim macros

  1. Open the AHC claim entry. Click here to see how to open the window.
  2. Select the practitioner and patient if they haven’t populated from the chart or appointment window.
  3. Enter the service date.
  4. In the service code, select macro code from the dropdown, or type in the claim macro code and hit enter. All the fields filled in from the macro will now appear in this current claim entry for the first line.
  5. Click done, the next service code will populate with all the relevant details.
  6. Repeat the previous step until all service codes have been entered.

 Creating multi-line AH claim macros

  1. Admin menu > select ‘AHC claim macros’.

  1. Click new, select the practitioner from the dropdown. To make it site wide, leave this dropdown blank.
  2. Enter the macro code.
  3. Fill in all the billing information, including the service code, diagnostic code, and any modifiers.
  4. Enter the facility code and functional center.
  5. Click save.
  6. Highlight the macro to add another service code to it, click new.
  7. Note the macro code has already populated to match the existing macro.
  8. Enter all the details for that service code.
  9. Click save.
  10. Repeat this until all the service codes you wish to add have been added.
  11. Close the window.
  12. See above how to use the multi-line macros.

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