ASaP template use

ASaP template use

The ASaP template should be applied to all patients charts for support in tracking screening maneuvers.

Here are some of the benefits to using ASaP to its fullest:

  1. Keep all healthcare team members providing the same information.
  2. Allows for easy review on one page.
  3. Offers a comprehensive handout for patients.
  4. Labs auto populate, and scanned documents can populate the date of test. Let the system do the work!
  5. Lifestyle intake forms can populate patient responses to this summary template!


All team members within the clinic can use this template at the various stages of the patient’s journey through the clinic, and anyone who updates the template can enter their name and date at the top in the ‘last updated’ spot.

Clinic staff: Check in.

  1. Collecting new vitals, add them to today’s chart note, they will populate into the ASaP template for up-to-date results.
  2. Providing lifestyle questionnaires or asking lifestyle questions to enter in the ASaP template for most current answers.


Clinicians: During all visits relative to scope of practice.

  1. Review standard screening guidelines and adapt to patient specific as needed.
  2. Offer patient education regarding screening.
  3. Requisitions for screening tests.


Doctors: During complete medicals or other appointments.

  1. Review all tests in one view.
  2. Offer counselling for benefits to screening or review of results if complete.
  3. Advise patients of next due dates.



  1. Receive a printout of template to become proactive in booking preventative appointments with their primary provider.


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