Assigning intake forms to multiple patients

Assigning intake forms to multiple patients

There are many ways to assign intake forms to patients; manually while on the chart, through patient messaging, through appointment reminders, or using the intake forms app on a clinic device for patients to complete and submit.

You may also assign an intake form to multiple patients based on appointment type, practitioner, and date.

This is beneficial for clinic’s using the intake form app on tablets so that the staff doesn’t have to pick the intake forms for each patient as they arrive for their appointment.

Click the client menu, click intake forms, and select ‘assign to multiple clients’.

  1. Select a site if applicable.
  2. Select which practitioners schedule to pull from.
  3. Choose the appointment types.
  4. Enter the date range for when the appointments are booked for.
  5. Click retrieve.
All patients meeting the above requirements will appear in the list, all of which default to highlighted.
  1. Click on any names you wish to deselect if required.
  2. Click ‘assign form to chart'. This intake form will be loaded to all their charts.

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