Automated flu vaccine consent - The Healthquest setup
Tired of waiting for patients to fill in consent forms? Let us
help you with that!
- Download the flu vaccine intake form. Don’t
have intake forms? Contact us
- Click the admin menu > intake forms >
intake form management.
- Select ‘forms library’.
- Scroll through or type in the search field,
‘vaccine’ to find ‘Influenza (flue) vaccine consent form’.
- Click download.
- Close the intake form management window.
- Create a specific appointment type for the flu
- Click the Appt menu > appt type setup.
- Click ‘Add’.
- Enter appointment name, ID, length, and
practitioners who will use this appointment type.
- Mark any other criteria that would be helpful,
such as online booking, the methods applicable etc.
- Click ‘save’.
- Build the reminder messaging on all platforms,
email, text, and voice.
- Click setup > Text/Email/Voice template
- Start with text, click new.
- Give the template a title to identify the reminder is
for flu shot appointments.
- Enter the message into the large text field, example
shown above.
- Add pre-populated details such as patient name and appointment
- Place
curser where the detail should go.
- Click
"Insert Form Fields".
- Select
‘Patient’ to choose patient details, such as first name.
- Select
‘Appointment’ to choose appointment details, such as date and time.
- Select
‘Intake Forms’ to generate a link for the patient to complete the flu vaccine
consent intake form.
- Assign the template to a specific practitioner, or
site, or leave them blank to make it available for all.
Repeat the above steps to complete similar templates for voice, voicemail, and email.
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