Booking a virtual appointment

Booking a virtual appointment

Drag a patient from the shuttle bay onto the schedule on the desired date and time.

  1. As the appointment details window opens, select the appointment type as normal.
  2. Then check off the method of appointment as virtual – this is important as it will create a link for the video call that will be sent to the patient.
  1. Once you click ok to save the appointment, the email window will appear – it will default to a built-in virtual visit email template which contains the link to the patient portal to register, and/or login, to access the appointment. 
    1. Send the default message, or select a different template to send, or manually edit a message before clicking send. Make sure the patient portal login link is built into the messaging though.
      1. Place cursor where the link should be placed, click the insert form field > patient portal > login page link.

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