Building a query in client list manager

Building a query in client list manager

Generate criteria to find a select group of patients using the query builder within client list manager.

  1. Open the client list manager (Reports > statistics > client list manager). 
  2. Click ‘queries’ to open the query builder.

  1. Select an existing saved query on the left to edit or create a new query.
  2. To create a new query, click ‘new query’.
  3. Enter a name for the query in the description field.
  4. Select the applicable tab to select the criteria required.
  5. Mark the check boxes, select from the dropdowns, or type in text fields.
  6. Use criteria on as many tabs as required.
  7. Click ‘save query’ to save the criteria to use again in the future.
  8. Click ‘run query’ to display the number of patients who meet the selected criteria.

*Note, each tab will be additional criterion the patients will need to match. To create criteria that is more complex with options of A or B use the CDS queries.


Running the report will give the number of patients who meet the criteria, to see the list of patient names, click ‘use query for a list’. This will transfer all the patients into the temporary list on the client list manager window.

A few options are available here:

  1. Add to list - select an existing list to add these patients to.
  2. Create new list - click create new list to generate a new list.
  3. Remove from list - select a list from the top left, then click ‘remove from list’ to pull all the patients from the temporary list out of the current list.

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