Built in Framingham risk calculator

Built in Framingham risk calculator

Review the cardiovascular disease risk using the Framingham risk calculator built into Healthquest. This can be used in any chart note of choice. The calculator will be looking for specific items within the chart, such as Lab results, BP readings, and BMI.

Place this calculation field on any chart note template of choice, multiple if desired.

The result box is color coded based on the result:

  1. Green for low risk,
  2. Yellow for moderate risk,
  3. Red for high risk.

Note there are 2 additional check boxes for smoker and 1st degree relative, if these have been completed at a previous chart note, the FRS will be calculated based on those entries.

Click on the report icon on the right-hand side of the score to review the full report and share visuals with the patient.

To change the smoker status from defaulting to smoker in the report (even though a new chart note will be unchecked, as above) and assessment results.

    1. Check it, and save the chart note,
    2. Uncheck it, and save the chart note,
    3. Open the report to see the adjusted assessment, the chart note will update if closing and reopening it. 

This report shows the breakdown of the different features that go into the calculation. The modifiable risk factors section can be used to show the patient an improved risk assessment based on improved contributing factors.

For example:

Change the smoking status to ‘Non-Smoker’ and click out of that field, see the ‘Risk Based on Selected Variables:’ change.

By changing the smoking status, the Cardiac Risk would be reduced to 13.7% from 21.5%. This can be done for the other factors shown above as well, for example working on reducing the BP. This visual and adaptable report can help educate patients and encourage them with individual changes can make a big difference in the resulting assessment.

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