Buttons on the client card

Buttons on the client card


Labelled buttons

Top right corner

  1.       New: Creates a new and blank client card to record a new person (patient/clinician/referral doc).
  2. Save: Save the current content on the client card.
  3. Undo: Will reload the client card without saving any changes.
  4. Search: Opens the client lookup window, allows you to search for existing clients in the system using a variety of different criteria.
  5. Close: Shuts down the client card window.
  6. Netcare: Takes you to the Netcare site and loads the current patient's Netcare record. If you not yet logged in, you will be prompted to login before continuing.
  7. Dr2dr: Opens the login page for dr2dr and will continue to open a patient specific dr2dr webpage.
  8. Labs: Opens just the lab/report tab of the chart for the current client.
  9. Worklists: Opens the worklist window to show all worklists attached to the current client, regardless of who they are assigned to.
  10. Referrals: Opens the referral management window to show all referrals attached to the current client, regardless of who they are assigned to.
  11. Forms: Opens just the forms tab of the chart for the current client.
  12. Book: Send this patient to the shuttle bay on the appointments window ready to drag them onto the schedule at the desired time.

Along the bottom from left to right

  1. Acct Summary: Opens the Account Summary window for current client, showing the history of account activity such as invoices and payments made.
  2. Scans: Opens just the Client Images window to see a list of all scans currently attached to this chart.
  3. AHC History: Opens the Patient Medical History window, displaying all the AH claims that were submitted and reconciled for this client.
  4. Statements: Shows the details of transactions and any balances owing on the client’s account.  There is the option to print an official statement of account from this window.
  5. Letters: Opens the Client Letters window. From here you can review and create letters on the patient's chart.
  6. Appointments: Opens the Appointment List screen, displaying all appointments on file, including past, future, and deleted appointments, for the current client, as well as a total number of appointments for the client in a specific date range.
  7. Labels: Opens the Print Labels window to select a type of label and then print for the current client. Label types include name and address labels, detailed labels with PHN, DOB, practitioner, etc... and customized labels.
  8. Clipboard: Clicking on this button will copy the client’s address and place it on the clipboard to be pasted in another screen or program.
  9. History: Opens the Client Name/Address History window.  From this screen you can view each change that has been made to a client’s record since it was first created.
  10. Print Chart: Allows a paper chart style page to be printed with the patient demographics at the top of the page.

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