C568 Medical Invoice

C568 Medical Invoice

The medical invoice report is utilized either for follow-up visits where no notable changes in the patient’s condition are observed or for services that do not require a formal report. 


Open the WCB rapid report from the client menu, click new, select the practitioner, followed by the C568 medical invoice report.

Select a current report to copy the information from, then click ok.

There are four sections within this report.

Section 1: Medical Care Invoice

  1. Enter the service date by right clicking on the date field to display the calendar, click today or double click the correct date.

  1. Enter a service code and diagnostic code or use a WCB macro.
    1. Entering the item ID of a price list item will populate the fee for that price list item.
    2. Click Add Rows to add as many rows as required for additional items.
  2. Click save, then click next or select next section from the list on the left.


Section 2: Attachments

  1. Select from:
    1. Patient chart items such as chart notes, letters, forms, and scans can be selected to attach to the report. File size is a maximum of 2 megabytes.
      1. Select the type of document.
      2. Select a document or multiple documents.
      3. Click Add.
      4. Save & Close.
    2. Files external from Healthquest, but accessible on this computer, select an attachment type, click browse and locate the file to be attached. File size is a maximum of 1 megabyte.
    3. If no attachments are required, move to the next section on the report.
  2. Click save, then click next or select next section from the list on the left.


Section 3: Accident/Injury/Other Information

  1. If copied information from a previous report, confirm the information is correct, adding anything new as required.
  2. If starting fresh, fill in each section, noting that any fields with a red asterisk next to them are mandatory fields.

*Note that the referring physician will automatically populate from the referral doctor on the client card.

  1. Click save, then click next or select next section from the list on the left.


Section 4 Medical Supplies Invoice        

*Note that the Medical Supply Invoice is not required if there are 1 or more rows in the medical care section

  1. Select a service date by right clicking the date field and double clicking the correct date.
  2. Clicking in the service code field gives the option to select a service code from the dropdown or free type the service code.
    1. Double clicking in the service code field will bring up the search window for service codes.
  3. Enter diagnostic codes and the facility type.
  4. The ‘fees submitted’ amount will populate according to options selected.
  5.  Enter a description for the item.
    1. Click ‘add rows’ to add as many rows as required for additional items.
  6. Click the notes complete check box highlighted above to see the completed notes icon on the doctor view.


Click here to review submitting a WCB claim.

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