CDS Query Report

CDS Query Report

Running a CDS query will produce a full list of patients who meet the criteria of the query. From the report there are several actions available.

  1. Export: Click to pull the list outside of the EMR into a CSV file, Excel file, or HTML file.
  2. Send:
    1. Email

      1. All Appointment Reminder Contacts: Prompt to send emails to all email addresses on client card reminder including clients linked to all selected patients on the report.

      1. Self-Appointment Reminder Contacts: Prompt to send emails to all email addresses on the client card, specifically as a personal email, to all selected patients on the report.
      2. Client: Prompt to send emails to the first email address on the client card, to all selected patients on the report.
    1. Text Message
      1. All Appointment Reminder Contacts: Prompt to send text messages to all phone numbers on client card reminder including clients linked to all selected patients on the report.
      2. Self-Appointment Reminder Contacts: Prompt to send text messages to all phone numbers on client card reminders, to all selected patients on the report.
      3. Client Home Phone: Prompt to send text messages to phone number in “Phone:” on the client card to all selected patients on the report.
      4. Client Work Phone: Prompt to send text messages to phone number in “Bus Phone:” on the client card to all selected patients on the report.
      5. Client Other Phone: Prompt to send text messages to phone number in “Other:” on the client card to all selected patients on the report.
    2. Voice Message
      1. All Appointment Reminder Contacts: Prompt to send voice messages to all phone numbers on client card reminder including clients linked to all selected patients on the report.
      2. Self-Appointment Reminder Contacts: Prompt to send voice messages to all phone numbers on client card reminders to all selected patients on the report.
      3. Client Home Phone: Prompt to send voice messages to phone number in “Phone:” on the client card to all selected patients on the report.
      4. Client Work Phone: Prompt to send voice messages to phone number in “Bus Phone:” on the client card to all selected patients on the report.
      5. Client Other Phone: Prompt to send voice messages to phone number in “Other:” on the client card to all selected patients on the report.
  1. List Manager: Opens client list manager to add selected patients on report to a new or existing client list.
  2. Print Center: Print labels or envelopes of all selected patients on report.
  3. Create Tasks: Create a worklist, or use a worklist template, and apply it to all selected patients from the report.
  4. Filter
    1. Default Doc: Filter the report to patients of a specific default doc.
    2. Hide Deferred: Filter patients from the list who have deferred the CDS query.
  5. Adv Filter: Filter the report with more specific criteria using the window that appears.
  6. Retrieve: Click to refresh the report if changes have been made to the criteria.
  7. Print: Print the report as seen on screen.
  8. Sort: Click to reorder the report based on age, alphabetical order, etc.
  9. Close: Close out the report window.

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