Chart notes with defaults

Chart notes with defaults

Pre-defined text within a chart note.
  1. Set up sentences for easy and quick completion.
  2. Place '??' where each sentence needs editing for fast maneuvering within the chart note. (Click/tab into the test box, the '??' will highlight ready for typing).
  3. Use point form to use as a checklist for specific visit types.
  4. Build the defaults for clinic wide use, or specific to one practitioner.
All the text shown below is automatically in the template when selecting the chart note with defaults.

Create a new chart note with default text

Setup > charting setup > template design.

  1. Click select template.
  2. Edit an existing template > next.
  3. Highlight the template top make text defaults for > next.
  4. Finish.
  5. Click defaults.

  1. Click new.
  2. Give the default a title.
  3. Type in all the text in the fields available.

  1. Click save and close.
  2. Click save and close again.

To access the chart notes with defaults on a patient chart, click new (Chart note). Select a template from the right side instead of a blank template on the left.

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