Chart security logs introduction

Chart security logs introduction

Chart security logs are found on all charts on the overview tab.

All occurrences of a Healthquest user accessing a patient chart, printing a chart, or patient chart disclosures are documented in this log to monitor patient information access.

Scroll to find the disclosure log you are looking for or use the filter option radio buttons to narrow the entry down.

*Note all chart viewing, editing, and masking or unmasking of an item or the full chart will automatically be tracked in here. For more detail on specific charting areas viewed/edited, open the activity log report (admin > security reports > activity log report).

To track any known disclosure of patient information, open the disclosure log. Some examples of this can include when a referral is sent with information from a patient chart; or if a physician received a medical legal report that requires parts of the patient record to be sent to them.

  1. Click ‘new use or disclosure event’.
  2. Select the type from the dropdown.
  3. Enter the name of the person who authorized the disclosure event.
  4. Make a note of who the disclosure of patient information is being directed to, such as the insurance company or a referral doctor name.
  5. Add any notes in the text box for clarifying details.
  6. Click save.

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