Client list manager introduction

Client list manager introduction

Client list manager is a module that will allow you to save lists of patients with Healthquest. You can build the lists manually or you can build queries to identify specific patients within your clinic.

Benefits to client lists:

  1. Allows bulk messaging to patients.
  2. Offers the ability to work through lists of patients without removing patient identifiable information from Healthquest.
  3. Ability to create worklists for all/selected patients on a list.
  4. Print labels for all/selected patients from a list.
  5. Combine lists together noting if a patient is on both lists, they will only appear once on the combined list.
  6. Add/remove patients to a list.
  7. Filter lists using patient criteria.
  8. There is an option to export to an excel if required, as well as an option to print the list as seen.
  9. Build queries to identify subgroups of patients.

Access the client list manager through reports > statistics > client list manager.

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