Clinical Decision Support (CDS)

Clinical Decision Support (CDS)

Clinical Decision Support is a feature allowing queries to be built, offering notifications on patient charts to trigger action from a clinician or staff member upon opening the patient chart.

Build search criteria to identify specific patients using the query builder, activate them to notify on chart which runs in the background, or have them saved for running reports on an as needed basis.

Find CDS Queries under setup > charting setup > CDS Query setup

  1. New: Create a new query, click New, and give it a name in the Desc box at the bottom, hit save-will then appear in the list of queries.
  2. Delete: will ask if you are sure you wish to delete the query that is highlighted.
  3. Copy Query: Duplicate the query that is highlighted, will have ‘(copy)’ at the front of the name of the new copied query.
  4. Save: If edits are made to the name or criteria at the bottom, save must be clicked to activate those changes.
  5. Undo: this will reverse the last action just completed.
  6. Close: this will close out this window, if edits are made but save is not clicked, once closed those edits will not take effect.
The list in the middle are the saved queries in the clinic. To edit or run a report, highlight the query of choice (this will appear as a blue line shown above), select the applicable button at the bottom.

  1. Edit Query: open the query setup to edit criteria.
  2. Run Report: this will run a list of patients who match the criteria of the query highlighted.
  3. Desc: is the box to name the query (Note this will be what appears if activated to appear on the patient charts-consider keeping names short).
  4. Priority: Select from Lowest, Lower, Normal, Higher, Highest; this will order them accordingly for patient chart notifications.
  5. Defer by: Set a standard defer timeline for quick availability to defer the notification without opening the notification.

  1. Confidential: Set notification to be visible for `specific team members only, to set for one eye only, select a specific doctor in the doctor dropdown.

  1. Notify on chart check box: this activates the query to run live in the background and appear on the top of the patient chart if matching the criteria.

  1. Click the red plus mark to open the notifications on the chart, see above for the expanded view.
  2. Notify on appt check box: red notification pending with plus sign will appear in the appointment detail window while booking a patient or updating the appointment.

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