Combining lists

Combining lists

Combine current lists together to create a new list and remove any duplicate patient entries while keeping the individual lists saved as they are as well.


List one is patients due for lipid screening, list two is patients due for diabetes screening. Merging the lists into one can ensure patients are only messaged or called once, even if they are present on both lists. Additionally, worklists can be generated for all patients on the combined list.

  1. Open the client list manager (Reports > statistics > client list manager).
  2. Select a list from the left.
  3. Click combine.
  1. Select the list to combine your first list with.
  2. Choose a combination method required, the description is explained below the selection.
    1. Union – combines the two lists together removing any duplicates should there be any.
    2. Intersect – patients who are on both lists.
    3. Exclusive or – patients who are on either list but not both.
    4. ‘A’ and not ‘B’ – patients who are on the above selected list but not the original list.
    5. ‘B’ and not ‘A’ – patients who are on the original list but not the selected list above.
  3. Save the list as a new list (change the name of the list in the text box) or overwrite the original list with the new combined list.
  4. Click save and close.

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