Connect Care billing

Connect Care billing

Configure your Healthquest system to retrieve your Connect Care billing claims, eliminating the need for redundant data entry.

Enroll with Alberta Health Services to simplify your billing process. Click here to access information on service code capture and complete the form to register. After the form has been completed, Alberta Health Services will contact us at Healthquest to finalize the activation of this functionality.

Once the feature is activated, click on the billing menu along the top and select 'Connect Care billing'.

Select a specific date in the top left corner, or select a month, to the right of the specific date.
∙ Select the applicable 'billed status' you wish to display in the list after clicking on download.
  1. It defaults to the 'unbilled' status, change to billed to review already billed items, or 'all' to reviewed both unbilled and billed together (note, the actionable items will be marked as unbilled).
∙ Click to download.

Note, the specific dates on the calendar for that month will be color coded to show if there are unbilled claims with completed or incomplete appointments.
∙ Red is for unbilled claims with completed appointments.
∙ Yellow dates have unbilled claims with incomplete appointments.

Click the name to expand, showing the service codes, calls, modifiers, and diagnostic codes the same as in a chart note.

When expanding an entry, there are a few buttons:
∙ Bill - opens the regular AHC claims window populating all the codes, confirm or make edits, and click done.

∙ Bill patient - opens the patient billing window to generate an invoice to the patient or third-party.
∙ Client info - opens the patient's client card. Note, if these patients are not currently in your EMR, a client card will be generated with the supplied information.
∙ Mark billed - will create the claim for you without opening the claims window. A warning will pop up, asking if you are sure.

Click bill in the first claim, once the details are confirmed in the AHC claims window, click done, it will automatically bring in the next Connect Care billing claim, saving you from going back and forth between the Connect Care billing window and the AHC claim entry window.

Another way to bill all these claims is to click 'Bill All'. This will automatically create all the AHC claims for you with the supplied information.

Note, if there are any errors with an entry it will remain in the list for you to review prior to clicking 'Bill' and editing modifiers or diagnostic codes for example.

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