Creating a new client card

Creating a new client card

​Click on the ‘New’ button at the top mid to right corner.

Enter the first and last name of the person being added, note these are a shade of pink, this means they are required fields.

Select the client type from the dropdown. This is important as depending on the type of person will determine what tabs the client card will need, for example an employee tab for staff privileges.

Client type options:

  1. Baby = A patient who is considered a baby. (Not commonly used in family medicine clinic as they will have a PHN)
  2. Clinic Doctor = Clinician working in the clinic.
  3. Deceased = No longer a living patient.
  4. Employee (Alberta Patient) = Nonclinical staff member.
  5. Good Faith Patient = If the patient doesn’t have a valid PHN (or any PHN), and the physician would like to bill Alberta Health for the service they provided. This is a flag that is placed on the claim to note that this patient didn’t have a valid PHN. Also, adds GDFA in front of the patient’s name in the Appointment Schedule.
    1. Note: Claim Entry change – Entry of Good Faith claims is no longer permissible.
  6. Motor Vehicle Accident = When the patient has been involved in a motor vehicle accident, and you need to create a motor vehicle claim, you must set the client up as an MVA Patient. Also, inserts MVA in front of the patient’s name in the Appointment Schedule. (More commonly used in physiotherapist and chiropractor clinics)
  7. Multi-Payer Patient = Select this type when billing multiple third parties, it will also display MPP in front of the patient’s name in the Appointment Schedule.
  8. Non-Insured Patient = Patient without any provincial health coverage.
  9. Out of Province Doctor = Provider who does not practice within this province.
  10. Out of Province Patient = Patient without Alberta Health Care but has health care from another province.
  11. PCN patient = Patient belonging to a primary care network as opposed to being a paneled patient to a physician in this clinic.
  12. Referral Doctor = Doctor who is not a provider in this clinic but will send referrals to.
  13. Third Party Patient = If billing someone other than Alberta Health, select this client type when billing another third party, it also adds INS (insured) in front of the patient’s name in the Appointment Schedule.
  14. Valid Alberta Patient = Alberta health care patient.
  15. WCB Patient = Patient being seen for WCB purposes only.

After assigning the type of client the person is, make sure to fill in as much information as possible on this Name/Addr tab, the more the better, it will come in handy down the road when wanting to use other features within Healthquest.

 For detailed information on creating new patients, employees, practitioners, and referral docs, click the links below.

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