From the charting window click 'new' above the letter section,
click the ‘+’ at the top of the letter section on the reference panel, or open
the client card and click 'letters'.
Client letters will open in a secondary window with the new letter window open to select options.
- Select the letter template to use. Click here to learn how to make new letter templates.
- Select the correct practitioner from the
dropdown. (If you are a practitioner, it will default to your name).
- Select a letter type. Click here to learn how to
create new letter types.
- Check the 'letter to:' field, it will default to the referral doctor on the client card.
- To search for a different provider to send letter to, double click to open the lookup window. Search a new practitioner and click ok.
- You can also start with a letter that has previously been created on the patient's chart by selecting from the 'Previous letters' tab.
- Type your letter and format using the formatting tools, for example make important items bold, or add in bullet point lists.
- To pull in information from the chart, place cursor where you want it to appear, click on chart notes.
- Select the chart note to pull in or click one of
the buttons to pull in allergies, problems, medications, or lab results.
- Click ok, the items selected will populate in
the letter.
- Click save.
- Print – Click print, select printer, and ok.
- Save – Click save to save the letter but keep
the window open.
- Save w/ref – Click and save to letters AND attach
to a referral it is related to in referral management.
- Save w/task - Click and save to letters AND attach to a worklist.
- Lock – click to lock the letter preventing
further editing without actively unlocking it.
- Send to dr2dr – opens login window for dr2dr.
- Delete – Remove the letter from the patient
chart. (Will not be able to restore once deleted.)
- Print center – Print window opens to print labels
and envelopes.
- Undo – returns the letter to the way it was the
last time it was saved.
If the new letter window doesn't open for you;
1. Enable the new letter wizard in program setup.
Setup > program setup > letters/envelope > select 'Use new letter wizard dialog'.
Click ok.
2. Select each of the items, letter type, practitioner, and who to address it to, then select the template.
Navigating filling in a letter
Build ?? into your templates to jump easily to the next part of the letter to type into.
Double click the first set of question marks, type your comments.
Shift + F2, the cursor will bounce to the next set of question marks, to start typing in the next spot of the template.
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