Creating a new patient client card

Creating a new patient client card

Click on the ‘New’ button.

Enter the first and last name of the person being added, note the first and last name are a shade of pink, this means they are required fields. 
Select the client type from the dropdown as Employee (Alberta Patient). 

All patient client types will have the same tabs available on the client card.

Name/Addr, Billing, Notes, and Relations are the default tabs. Lens, Patient portal and Reminders will all depend on what your program settings are.

  1. Name/Addr: Patient demographic information, including different clinicians associated with patient (Default Doc, Referring Doc, Family Doc etc.…)
  2. Billing: Commonly used diagnosis codes, service codes and billing notes.
  3. Notes: Client notes, allergies, and section to add/remove expanded notes.
  4. Relations: Can link you to family members in the same clinic, quick access to their charts, pharmacies and third-party insurance companies.
  5. Patient Portal: Optional tab, shows if invites to the patient have been sent and if they have been accepted.
  6. Reminders: Option tab, contact information for where appointment reminders are sent to, as well as attached family members.
  7. Lens: Optional tab to be activated in the program setup allowing lens prescriptions to be generated.

Start completing as much information on these tabs as possible.


Last name and first name are a shade of pink, these are required fields before this client card can be saved.

This tab is broken into sections:

  1. Name of patient along the top – includes titles and aliases.
  2. Address – patient address.
  3. Contact for phone and email – notes the reminder preference as well.
  4. Identifiers – Patient health care number.
  5. Personal Info – Gender, DOB, Marriage status, Family Dr. and Clinic name if referred to you.
  6. Admin – Specific details for the client stating the type of client, end date and end date reason, who default Doc is, referring Doc, the verified date field and check box, and a few more notable fields.

Fill in as much information on here as possible. A couple of notes:

  1. In the identifiers section, if the health care number is something other than Alberta, select the province from the drop down, and place the number in the ‘Reg No.’ field.
  2. For a practice where there is a practitioner who will be the primary provider for that patient, select that practitioner from the dropdown in the ‘Default Doc’ field.
  3. The ‘Verified’ Check box and date should be checked off and dated today. Moving forward, this date should be updated every time the patient is conversing with the clinic and their demographic information is confirmed.

 Click here to review all the other tabs within the client card.

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