Use the ‘New practitioner wizard’ to walk you through
building a new practitioner.
Click on the client option along the top menu bar, and
select ‘New practitioner wizard’, this will walk you through creating the
client card with notes along the way, shown here.
Enter the name and clinic address and phone numbers on this
page. note the name fields are a shade of pink, this means they are required fields. Click next when this page is complete.

Follow the steps in the help window at the bottom. Note, if you
select the role as ‘Doctor’ it will get your access permissions started, complete
as you see fit.
Click here to learn what each of the permissions do.
When completed, click the next button.

Follow the instructions here in the help section at the
bottom of the window to complete this tab, this is your Practitioner tab on the
client card.
*Note the EPIC Provider ID, CC Submitter ID, and CC
Department ID are the newest lab codes used by providers that were required
after ConnectCare went live.
Under the statements section add in the practitioner's name as they wish it to appear at the bottom of prescriptions.
Don’t worry if all this information is not yet available
to you, this can be added later. Search for
the client card, then click on the practitioner tab, edit and add to it as
When ready, click next.

Setup the practitioner’s schedule here, create the default
week here, or set the start, end and interval times.

Pick employees
Search that doctor client card now, on the practitioner tab, you may click on 'pick employees' to limit which staff have access to your appointments, billing, and financial reports (assuming the employee has access on their employee card to begin with).
You can also create a new practitioner the same as any other
new client card, by opening the client card and clicking new.
- Enter the name of the practitioner and change
the ‘Client Type’ to Clinic doctor.
- Add in all the necessary information on the
Name/Addr, employee, and practitioner tabs. Company setup and scheduler setup will have to be done separately.
Once the practitioner's client card and permissions have been saved, local (server) users are now ready to access the EMR. They are able to login with their Emp. ID and can setup their own password, cloud based clinics should contact their account manager to finalize setup, and to arrange for cloud access logins for the new user.
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