Due for Lipid Screening

Due for Lipid Screening

Lipid Screening – (Due for lipid panel, or had a cv risk assessment (requires a lipid panel), or is on a statin medication-suggesting treatment for ongoing conditions)

Below is an example of the complete query example for those due for lipid screening.

*Note, we are looking for patients between 40 and 74 years, with no lab results found on either the labs tab, the ASaP template, the scanned documents, or statin medications deferring the need to test lipids. This may differ based on clinic workflows.

  1. Click ‘New’ on the queries window, enter a name for the query in the bottom description box, and while creating the query, uncheck the notify on chart and appointments, click save.

    1. Click edit query, then click ‘new line’, select client and ok. Enter the demographic information, as below. 

    1. If you want to specify a doctor, select one from the dropdown as well. Click save line.
  1. Next, create new lines to look for patients without the lipid labs.
*Note the criteria shown below on the query line is the information found on the labs tab of a patient chart.
    1. Enter the result date criteria, in the last 5 years, and check off the NOT in the top right.
    2. The test description should match the description found on the labs tab of a patient’s chart.
    3. Click save line.

  1. Next, create new lines to look for patients without the lipid labs documented in the ASaP template.
    1. Click new line, select chart notes.
    2. On the left, select the ASaP template.
    3. At the bottom, for the other dates, select the lipids date, then complete the phrase, in the last 5 years, and check off NOT in the top right corner.
    4. Click save line.
    5. Repeat this for the CV risk date in the ASaP template. (In order for CV Risk Assessment to be completed, there must be lipid results).

  1. Next, create new lines to look for patients without the lipid labs in the scanned documents.
    1. Click new line, select scans.
    2. Enter the result date criteria, in the last 5 years, and check off the NOT in the top right.
    3. Below, it is looking for the notes section, this is the description seen on the charting overview.
      1. Or select a scan type if you have them specific for these lab results.

  1. Next, create new lines to look for patients without statin medications.
    1. Click new line, select medications.
    2. Select active medication and check off the NOT in the top right.
      1. Type in the name of the medication (or the common letters within multiple meds such as ‘astatin’).
    3. Click save line.
    4. Repeat the above steps to capture all the medications you wish to include.

  1. Save line and close.
  2. Run the report and double click on a name from the report and click charting to check a few charts to make sure it is running accurately.
  3. If correct, check off notify on chart and notify on appointment as applicable.

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