Marking a scan confidential

Marking a scan confidential

To mark a document as confidential from the patient chart:

  1. Right click on the document from the chart overview.
  2. Click details.
  3. Click the confidential button.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    1. Mark for my eyes only – only the user who created the chart note can view it.
    2. Mark for physicians only – only physicians can view the chart note, only physicians can remove this restriction.
    3. Mark for physicians of my skill only - only physicians with the same skill can view the chart note.  For example, a gynecologist creates a chart note and marks it confidential (for physicians of her skill only).  This means that only other gynecologists would be able to view the chart note.

  1. Click ok.
Alternatively, from the client card:
  1. Click scans.
  2. Select document from the document tree.
  3. Click the confidential button.
  4. Select one of the same options shown above.
  5. Click ok.

Override the confidential scan

If a document is marked confidential, and you try to open it, a warning will appear, click yes to override.

A disclosure log will appear,

Select the override code and enter reason for override in the notes box.

Click ok, the document will open.

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