Medical history chart notes

Medical history chart notes

Medical history chart notes are stored separately from the regular chart notes, they can be found on the patient’s chart overview under the problem history.

Placing these chart notes in a separate location from the regular day-to-day notes offers one major benefit; the ability to quickly access and review them without having to scroll through a potentially extensive list of chart notes. This streamlined access saves valuable time and enhances efficiency.

Additionally, including the ASaP (Alberta Screening and Prevention) template in the medical history location as well further enhances the convenience of reviewing relevant information promptly.


Medical history template setup

Click on setup > charting setup > template design.

  1. Click on select template.
    1. If you want to edit an existing template, click next, choose the template from the dropdown, and click ok.
    2. If you wish to create a new template, choose the applicable option, and click next.
  2. Give the template a name or edit the name if required.
  3. Select a doctor from the dropdown to limit the template to that doctor only.
  4. End date – leave this field empty unless you no longer want this template to be an option available.
  5. History template – select to move the template to under medical history.
  6. Do not browse – select if you don’t want this template to appear on the browse all chart notes on the browse tab.
  7. One per patient – select to limit the template from being added multiple times. The idea of these templates is they will be updated when required, no new note is required.
  8. Auto-lock – select to auto lock this template when closing out of it.
  9. Click finish.
  10. To edit the template, contact technical support for assistance.
  11. Click ‘save’ and ‘close’.

Once configured, the template will appear under the medical history of a patient’s chart.

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