Messaging patients from the client card

Messaging patients from the client card

Looking to reach out to a patient electronically from the client card? Double click on the phone or email field you wish to send to.

Phone numbers

Two options will appear, send text message, or send voice message. Select the applicable choice.

In the text/voice window opens, click on a template to use one of the prebuilt messages, or free type a message in the top box.

Click send.

Follow the same process for sending voice message.



Double click the email field, the send email window will pop up.

  1. Select an email template or free type an email message.
  2. Click the paperclip next to the attachment box to add any items:
    1. File - a file saved on the computer.
    2. From chart- items on the patient’s chart such as forms or letters.

  1. Select the section of the chart from the dropdown in the middle, for example forms,
  2. Highlight the item,
  3. Click add.
    1. Repeat this for each item you wish to add, the list of items will appear on the top right corner.
  4. When all items are attached, click save, this will create the PDF files.
The attachments are visible in the email window.

To add an intake form:

  1. Click the paperclip next to the intake forms box at the bottom to select the intake form to attach.
  2. Click the check box for each form to add,
  3. Click ‘assign forms’.

The attached intake forms are visible in the email window as well.

With all attachments visible, click send.

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