Reconciling WCB Reports

Reconciling WCB Reports

WCB reports can be reconciled the afternoon following the day they are submitted to confirm they have been received by WCB and there is nothing missing from the report. Best practice is to check these reconcile reports within 48hrs of submitting, so if there are any invalid reports they can be rectified and resubmitted. If you are submitting reports every day, you should also be reconciling every day.

  1.  From the client menu on the Healthquest tabletop, hover over WCB Rapid Report, select reconcile.
  2. Click the ‘load report results’ button.

The reconcile window will default to display reports in the ‘waiting’ status; these are any reports that have been submitted but results have not yet been received.

  1. Use the radio buttons along the top to filter as desired. To find reports that require rectifying, select the ‘invalid’ option.
    1. To look for a specific patient, search them in the ‘name’ field and click find.
  2. Select a report from the list and three tabs become available: report, results, and notes.

The report tab displays all sections of the report, select a section to modify the report and fix errors or omissions.


The Results tab shows details of the error that caused the report to be invalid. Other information regarding the submission also appears in this window, including the report transaction identification ‘ReportTxnID’ number, which may be required if contacting WCB for assistance.

The Notes tab allows notes to be added to the report for submission.

  1.  Make any edits on the reports tab, based on the errors noted on the results tab.
  2. Click ‘submit’ to resubmit the corrected report.
The status will return to 'waiting' until the WCB results are loaded again.

The following day in the afternoon, repeat this process to check for any invalid reports, and make sure the report was received by WCB.

Report statuses

There are five possible report statuses, each one is color coded for easy visual identification.

  1. Unsubmitted - black: Initial status given when a WCB report is created.
  2. Waiting – yellow: submitted, but report status not yet received.
  3. Completed – green: submitted, accepted, and completed.
  4. Invalid – red: requires editing and resubmitting.
  5. Denied – green with a red X on the left: means it was received by WCB but the claim was denied.

Contacting WCB for Assistance

There may be times when inquiries regarding a report submitted to WCB must be discussed with WCB; they will require the report transaction ID number of the report to assist you. This number is found in the WCB rapid report reconcile window under the Results tab under the heading ‘ReportTXnID’.

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