Report central

Report central

Healthquest incorporates a wide range of pre-built reports, allowing convenient access for clinic personal to access based on their assigned privileges.

All reports are found in the report central, click on reports from the tabletop tool bar.

Reports are organized into sections: Admin, client lists, inventory, monthly reports, security reports, and statistics.

Use the radio buttons along the top to refine the reports list to commonly or recently used, or favorites. Type in a keyword into the search box if not sure what report to use or scroll through the full list of all reports along the left.

·        Select a report name from the left, if there is a plus icon, click on it to expand that group of reports.

·        The highlighted report will show its description on the right.

·        Click ‘launch report’ to generate the list of patients.

There is no harm in running multiple reports to find the one that best works for your needs or call support for assistance in identifying the best report for your scenario.


If you have specific reports that you run all the time, in the report central, highlight the report, as shown above, then click the ‘favourite’ check box. Now select the favourites radio button for quicker access to your reports.


You can use the reports menu along the top which will display all the same reports as found in the report central window.

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