Scan types

Scan types

As documents are scanned in and linked to a patient’s chart, a scan “type” is required to be selected. The scan types are helpful as they help standardize how documents are labelled and are beneficial for pulling reports.

Use scan types as the category the item will fit into, as well as commonly used items used for reporting such as ASaP maneuvers and other provincial initiatives. The description box is free text and can further elaborate what the document is, keep these short, simple, and explanatory.

Scan types are customizable to the clinic, and you should work together as a team to identify new scan types to help manage your workflow.

Manage scan types

Setup > Scans > Scan types

See all current scan types, add new types, and delete unused types.

Create new scan types

Setup > Scans > Scan types.

Click new, enter the scan type into the description field, click save. The type will be given a Type no. automatically.

Delete scan types

Setup > Scans > Scan types

Highlight the scan type, click delete.

*Note if the scan type has been used on a patient chart, a message will popup stating this and will not delete the scan type.

End date scan type

Manage scan types using the end date, if a scan type is no longer to be used, but cannot be deleted, end date it, this hides it from the dropdown options when labelling a document.

Setup > Scans > Scan types, highlight the scan type, double click the end date to open the calendar, select date or click today.

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