Make notes on electronic documents highlighting an action or a specific part of the document for quick reference.
There are several different tools that can be used here, the above example shows a clinic stamp and the highlighting tool.
All available tools include:
- Stamps – Select a custom stamp, click on the document
to place the stamp.
- Highlight tool – Draw a box around what you want
- Redact tool – Draws a black filled box to block something
on the document.
- Hand tool – Allows you to select an annotation
and move it.
- Note tool – Insert a comment (like in word).
- Typewriter – click mouse where you want the
cursor, start typing.
- Text box – inserts a white box to type into.
- Drawing
- Arrow tool – click and drag where you want the
arrow (a red arrow will appear).
- Line tool – click and drag where you want the
straight line.
- Rectangle tool – click and drag where you want
the rectangle.
- Square tool – click and drag where you want the square.
- Circle tool – click and drag where you want the circle.
- Ellipse tool – click and drag where you want the
- Polyline tool – click to start the line, click
to finish one and start the next.
- Pencil tool – Draw freehand.
Depending on the file type your documents are (Image or PDF)
will determine how to access and use the tools.
To make edits to a PDF document, right click somewhere on the document for the options below.
To make edit
an image file, click the tools button at the top to open the tool icons shown below.
Create custom stamps
Setup > Scans > annotation stamps.
Click new.
Enter the description, this is the stamp name.
Type what you want to appear when using this stamp.
Customize the font type and color, as well as the border
color and width using the drop downs.
Insert date, time, and user stamps using the buttons on the
Click save.
Here is the above example added to a scanned document.
Printing or faxing documents with annotations
To print or fax documents with stamps or annotations, go into Program Setup -> Scans and select 'Print Annotations'. Apply the new setting, logout and then login to Healthquest to apply the new setting.
When you need to print or fax the document, select 'include annotations' in the print window. Your documents will now show the stamps or annotations when printing or faxing.