Sending intake forms through the patient portal

Sending intake forms through the patient portal

To gather additional information from the patient, you can send intake forms to them via a secure message through the patient portal. This may be beneficial based on the type of appointment the patient has booked, or to compare a new response to the previous ones.


Send a patient message

  1. Open the patient chart,
  2. Click ‘patient messaging’ (far right tab of the chart)

  1. Click New conversation.

  1. Add the subject and messaging text.
  2. Click attach and select “Intake Form”.

  1. Select the intake form(s) then “Assign Forms.”

  1. Click send.

Patient's view

        1.      Receives an email advising a message is available from the clinic.

        2.      Click ‘here’ in the email, will take you to the login for the portal.

        3.      Login with username and password

        4.      Click “Fill Out”, complete the form, and save, it will be submitted and added to the patient chart in the EMR.

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