Template schedule setup

Template schedule setup

Create a template

  1. Open the appointment scheduler.
  2. Click template from the toolbar.
  3. Select a practitioner.

  1. Click ‘new template’, label the template, and select if it can only be used for the one practitioner, or shared to be available for other practitioners.

  1. Enter the clinic hours.
  2. Give the schedule a name.
  3. Click setup template.
  4. Select the new template name from the list on the left and click edit default week.

  1. Place any non-booking time, such as closed for days of the week the clinic is closed, or lunch breaks.
    1. Use the lunch block at the top to drag onto the schedule.
    2. Right click to open the booking.

    1. Edit the time length and color, adding any notes.
    2. Click reserve to drag the block over all columns in the practitioner schedule.
    3. Click ok.

  1. Repeat this for each day of the week, for all blocked time, including closed on weekend days.
  2. Apply any templated appointment types on the schedule if applicable. (Such as full medicals at specific times of the day).
    1. Open the first day tab the clinic is open.
    2. Click default from the toolbar.

    1. Enter a day description and select an appointment type from the dropdown description.
    2. Select the color for the background of the template.
    3. Highlight the time slots on the schedule, ctrl + click for multiple.
    4. Click apply.
    5. Repeat to add different templated slots as required.
    6. Click done when the day is complete.
  1. Repeat the previous step for each day of the week the clinic is open.
  2. Click save on the toolbar.

Once finished editing the template, click on today at the top to exit the template setup and return to the schedule.

Apply a default week template to a practitioner

  1. On the tabletop window, click the appointments menu, select extend.

  1. Select the practitioner.
  2. Select the Sunday to start the schedule.
  3. Enter the number of weeks to apply the schedule template to. (Note the date it will end based on the number of weeks, is shown here as well.
  4. Click extend.

Editing preexisting default weeks

From the toolbar, click templates. Highlight the template name to edit, click edit default week.

Make edits as described above, click save at the bottom of the toolbar.

Once finished editing the template, click on today at the top to exit the template setup and return to the schedule.

Applying a template to a specific day

For those one-off days that need editing, from the toolbar.

  1. Click templates.
  2. Select the practitioner, date, and template.
    1. Click the Overwrite Template button.  This will merge the new template with the current template, for example, extending the hours from 9-5pm to 9-8pm using a 5-8pm template, will keep everything the same between 9-5pm, opening the schedule up from 5-8pm.

If the template selected to override was 1-8pm, see below, the hard and soft bookings between 1-5pm will be overridden by the new template and disappear.

    1. Click the 'replace template' button, this will completely replace the existing schedule with the new template.

To apply a template to multiple days, click templates, select the practitioner.

Click month view, drag the template names onto the applicable dates and click done.

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