Transferring credits between patients/companies

Transferring credits between patients/companies

To complete a credit transfer, you must have administrative access on your employee tab.

Click on Admin > security reports > transfer credits.

  1. Select from clients or companies.

*Note if transferring from one patient to another, for use with a company other than the one on the original payment, transferring the credits from one company to the other is required before transferring to the other client.

  1. Search the patient (using first name, last name, chart number, or PHN) in the lookup box, to transfer the credits from. (If transferring between companies, select company from the dropdown).
  2. Repeat the search for the patient to receive the credits. (If transferring between companies, select company from the dropdown).
  3. Highlight the available credits from the list in the bottom of the window.
  4. Confirm the full amount or adjust the amount to only transfer a portion.
  5. Enter any notes if required.
  6. Click transfer.

  1. Confirm the transfer information is correct and click yes.

*Note, when transferring credits between companies, the credits will remain linked to the same client record.

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