Using Tali Ambient Scribe

Using Tali Ambient Scribe

To start a visit transcription, select 'Ambient' on your widget, or 'Ambient Scribe' on your home screen in the expanded view. The transcription will automatically start as soon as you enable access to your microphone.

If you would like to change the format of the summary that will be provided, pause prior to starting the conversation and use the dropdown to change the template. Resume once you are ready to start the visit, the conversation audio will be recorded, press 'done' once the visit is complete.


The software will remove any patient specific (ex: name) data or non-medical information (social conversation) prior to transcription. Once the transcription is generated, the audio is deleted. The type of note you have selected as a template will generate. 

Hover on your SOAP letters to copy each section individually, or use the green copy button to copy all generated text at once. Paste the information into your chart note sections as required.

Additionally, you can view the transcript once the visit is completed by selecting the 'Transcript' button. If you wish to use this format, click the copy button at the bottom and the transcript can be pasted into Healthquest.


By selecting the 'Generate' button, you can repopulate the information in additional available formats.


The transcript and templated information is then stored in the history section of the Tali widget. Items can be permanently deleted from this list by hovering on the item in the list and selecting the garbage can.

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