Using the One: Care Path Care Plan Template

Using the One: Care Path Care Plan Template

Using the One: Care Path Care Plan Template

Click on letters, then select letter type, and select letter template "One:Care Path Care Plan Template"

The below yellow highlighted fields will auto-populate; the green highlighted fields can be manually added.

Page 1

The Medical summary will populate with everything noted in the problem history, including any notes within the problem entry. It can be edited in the letter if needed.

Complete the rest of the questions on page one by typing answers in the text boxes available.

Page 2

Default Doc and their phone number on file will auto-populate the first line in the table for team members.

To add more rows in the table, place the curser is in the table and click the add row icon shown above, this will apply to other tables such as the family medical history tables, shown below.

The Medications and Allergies will pull in from the chart. If no allergies, type an 'X' in the square brackets shown below.

Page 3

Answer the following questions within the tables shown below with any medical events for the patient, and below for significant family medical history. Place curser into the table and type, using the tab key to flow through the tables.

Complete the below fields as applicable, typing the response.

Complete the below fields as applicable, marking an 'X' or typing the response.

Page 4

At the end for the declaration, today's date will appear in both spots as well as the default doc on the client card. Print report for patient and provider to sign, giving the patient a copy for reference as well.

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