WCB Reporting

WCB Reporting

If a patient has an accident at work, when they see a practitioner, a special WCB report must be generated and submitted; this report will differ depending on whether it is a first visit or a follow up visit.


Creating a new WCB report

Creating a new WCB report can be done from the patient chart or from the client menu on the tabletop.

1.       On the patient chart.

a.  From the overview, click new chart note.

b. Click the 'WCB Rapid Report' button.

c. Select the correct practitioner, followed by the applicable report.

2.       From the tabletop menu,

a.       Click Client,

b.       Click WCB Rapid Reports,

c.       Click Reports.

d.       Select the patient using the lookup field. (Note it will default to the last chart that was open, click the search icon to change patients).

e.       Click new to generate a new report, select the practitioner and applicable report from the window that appears.

*Note, only applicable reports will be available based on the practitioner selected from the dropdown. Practitioner WCB information is located on their client card, practitioner tab.

 Opening existing WCB reports

Opening existing reports can also be done from the patient chart or the client menu on the tabletop.

  1. From the patient chart overview, right click on the chart note entry that is generated after saving a report, this will open the WCB rapid report window to that specific report.

      2. From the tabletop menu, click Client > WCB Rapid Report > Reports.
    1. Select the patient in the lookup field.
    2. Select the applicable report to view from the list.

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