Client cards are the records of individuals associated with your clinic, including patients, clinic providers, staff members, and referral doctors. Client cards house all demographic information; including names, addresses (clinic address if a provider), phone numbers, type of client they are, and much more.
Example patient client card:
Important details are found in one place and sorted based on type of information. Linking clients to each other will track relationships between patients, family members, clinicians, and third-party contacts such as insurance companies.
Client's contact information in the chart allows for communication from the clinic to the client, through phone, text, email, or addresses for home visits.
Assigning Default Docs, Family Dr, and Referral Doc fields will make it easier for booking purposes, as well as increase the reporting abilities!
The verified check box and date field are critical for family medicine clinics to submit panels to CPAR (Central Patient Attachment Registry).
Setting up the reminder tab will allow for the client to receive appointment reminders!
Sending appointment reminders will increase the communication between clinic and client; hopefully maximizing the clinician time as patients can confirm and cancel appointments electronically!
Accessing the client card and finding a specific patient/staff/provider can be done on the Healthquest Tabletop screen.
Once a client has been selected, reopening the client card will also open the most recent client.
To change from one client to another, open the client card and select one of the search options shown here.
Enter the first and last name of the person being added, note these are a shade of pink, this means they are required fields.
the client type from the dropdown. This is important as depending on the type
of person will determine what tabs the client card will need, for example an
employee tab for staff privileges.