Worklist templates

Worklist templates

Create worklist templates to save time manually creating the same worklist over and over.

For example, calling a patient to book an appointment to review test results. Using a template will save time filling in the multiple fields, as it is done with one click selecting the template.

To use a worklist template, click new in the worklist window.

Select a template from the list at the top.

Add any specific notes in the notes section, if required, and click save.


Create a new worklist template

Setup > worklist setup > templates, click new.

  1. Give the template a name.
  2. Assign a template group and site if applicable to your clinic. (Not required).
  3. Enter a description (think of it as a subject line in an email).
  4. Select an employee or job class.
  5. Add a doctor if specific to one practitioner within your clinic (Not required).
  6. Select a task from the dropdown.
  7. Edit the priority if different from low.
  8. Add in any notes that will always apply when using this template.
  9. Click save.

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