Creating and editing worklists

Creating and editing worklists

Create a new worklist

  1. Click on worklists and click new.
  2. Complete the following sections listed below to streamline workflows and facilitate understanding of the worklist without having to open it.

3.       Mandatory Fields appear pink:

a.       Task Type - Dropdown used to categorize worklist. These can be customized for your clinic, click here to learn how.

b.       Employee - Set this to the person needing to action the worklist, can be assigned to one person OR a Job Class.

4.       Optional and recommended Fields:

a.       Description - Free text used to offer more detail to the task.

b.       Doctor - Helps categorize work by provider.

5.       Default fields:

a.       Client – auto fills with the patient’s name if creating a worklist from a patient chart.

b.       Status – defaults to pending, change to the stage in the process the worklist is, from starting the worklist to completing it.

c.       Priority – defaults to a low, can be changed based on the level of urgency required to action the worklist.


      6. Click the ‘Re:’ button prior to typing a message so that the note is timestamped with your username, then type any messaging.

Click here to review the creating a new worklist video.

            7.  Adjust the priority as needed, low medium, high, or urgent.

            8.  The date fields can be updated based on when the next action is required. See below for some examples.

            9.  Click save.

The worklist will remain on the patient chart, as well as on the list of assigned worklists to whoever is in the employee or job class field.


Examples of using the date fields for more efficient workflows

  1. Need a response or action today – leave both start and due dates as today. (When creating a new worklist, they will default to today’s date).
  2. Actioned but not complete yet (e.g., if voicemail was left) – change the due date to the next date you need to action (e.g., tomorrow or 3 days from today).
  3. No action required for a period of time – change both start and due dates to the date action should be taken. (e.g., change dates to 3 months from now to follow up on patient progress of a new treatment).

 Changing the dates will affect whether the date appears in red in your worklist list, or if it is moved to a future tasks list.

To review a video on worklist dates, click here.

Replying to a worklist

Open the worklist.

  1. Click the ‘Re:’ and enter your response, or your action taken.
  2. Select the employee to send it back to.
  3. Change the status as required.
  4. Click save.

Recurring tasks

For tasks that are repeated on the same schedule all the time, set a recurring task, it will generate the new task into the future based on the time interval you set once the original worklist is marked done.

Open the worklist you wish to recur, check off the recurring task, enter the number of days the repetition should be.

Once this worklist is marked done, the repeated worklist will generate as a future worklist, so you don’t have to.

To end the recurrence, open the latest worklist with the recurrence, and uncheck the recurring task, click save, moving forward no more tasks will auto generate.

‘Return to’ tasks

Want to make sure you get the worklist back? Check off return to select the employee or job class from the dropdowns.


Mark a worklist confidential to hide the patient, description, and task on your list of worklists.

*Note, the only employee who can see the confidential worklist is the one it is assigned to when saved as confidential.

Append to worklist notes (email style only)

A new setting for administrators has been created that when enabled, results in locking any previously entered notes in a worklist. When a staff member opens a worklist to add new notes or reply, they can only review previous messages and add new messages. Previously entered text will become locked. This setting applies only to email style worklists.

As shown below, the section shown in blue contains the previously entered notes, information can be copied from this section but not edited. The purple section is where the new messages can be added.

If you are creating a worklist using a template, any text that is pre-filled in the notes section will appear in the locked section once the template is created.


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