Self check-in setup

Self check-in setup

Contact technical support to activate the self check-in feature. Once activated, there are some program setup options that are configurable to the clinic.

There are three options for mode of self check-in:
  1. Remote requires patients to use their own device.
  2. In-Clinic requires the patient to use a tablet supplied by the clinic.
  3. Both allow Remote and In-Clinic modes at the same time.

Select ‘in-clinic’ self check-in, if you want to have clinic owned tablets for the patient to use during check-in. If you want the patient to be able to update the information, check off the additional item, ‘Update patient information before check-in'. This option will update the client card in Healthquest, if any changes were made by the patient, with a note in the appointment detail notes window stating demographics were updated. Click here to review the self check in process.


For the remote option, or if ‘both’ is selected, there is a printable instruction sheet with a QR code that can be posted on the clinic walls for patients to scan using their own devices taking them to the check-in page.

For patients to verify and update their demographics using a remote method, they must have a patient portal account, and a program setup option checked off under the patient portal settings. Program setup > HQO > patient portal section > Check off “Allow patients to self check-in”.

To allow patients to text to check-in, check off the option to self check-in by texting, the printable instructions will have a phone number for patients to text ‘check in’, in which they will receive a link taking them to the check in site.

Consider some other options to check off if appropriate, such as verifying, updating demographic information, and walk-in patients using self check-in.
*Note, this is a clinic setting, not patient or provider specific.

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